Sometimes in life we have very clear goals, for instance when you are going to college, you have a solid schedule of classes that you follow weekly, the same with work. Your time is accounted for, its 40 hours a week, Monday to friday. But when it comes to other personal goals like starting and running a business, loosing weight, there is really no structure it's all over the place, so is sticking to a diet. There are so many opinions out there on how to do it. But on a personal level when I get home and look at myself in the mirror, the struggle becomes very real. This is my mental battle, I know what to do, but being persistence, that's another story. I have a ton of excuses to back up my failure.
I realise now that I need to be very intentional, and very present. Have you seen a plastic bag getting blown away on a very windy day, it's like poetry in motion, it just goes with the wind, tossed here and there. Some aspects of my life are like that. I relax I let things just be, for instance with my desire to loose weight, I have yoyo'd because, I let my guard down. I spent 5 months in Nairobi and lost 20 pounds, in just 3 months!. Came back gained it all back in less than 3 months argh!. What changed? well I was walking everywhere, planted a garden and was eating organic food that I had grown. Fast forward came back went back to my sedentary lifestyle well not exactly, I was going to the gym at 5am for bootcamp I was making an effort to maintain my weight. Then what was it? the devil in the details maybe it was the free chocolate covered raisins in the kitchen at work, or the chips, sodas, and "health bars". How did I not see this? I stuffed my face all day at work, the weight kept going up yet I had no clue. Yeah plus the mediocre cafeteria food loaded with heaven knows what.
Be intentional! be mentally present! make better decisions don't eat it just because it's free and in your face!. Your waistline will thank you later.
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