First and foremost I want to thank my heavenly Father for bringing me this far. I am very grateful I don't take it for granted.
My birthday is like a New year for me, I reflect on how far I have come, what I have learnt this past year. Goals, dreams, ambitions... etc.
I started the year with one goal, well more than one. I found it easy to focus and achieve one goal at a time. I am very happy to say I have made a lot of progress.
My goal was..... drum roll.... to loose the excess weight I have been carrying for almost 10 years. As a result of child bearing I love my kids... I don't think we truly
appreciate or are aware of the changes our bodies go thru.
It's not just child bearing it's adulting, we have a lot of responsibilities at home and at work. Your life is no longer about you and what you want. I miss being 12 years old, all I worried about is if I was going to get permission to go hang out with my friends, good times. With Adulting comes all kinds of hormonal, chemical imbalances caused by external factors beyond our control. It seems like suddenly our lives are moving at 100 miles per hour. There are too many moving pieces, we take the back seat. The babies come first these helpless adorable little people become the center of everything we do.
Before you know it, your favorite size 12 jeans cant go past, your thighs! How? when? did all this happen, how did my thighs resemble tree trunks? all that jelly.
Then the little people grow bigger became more independent and you don't feel so guilty, leaving them to hit the gym. After several 5am bootcamps, the scale stays on the same spot, the instructor tells you it's because you eat too much! You quit the stupid class and decide to hike, hike for hours... the scale starts to behave. But at a very slow pace. You need to see the numbers moving. You start researching different diets, workouts. So many experts out there. But they don't give you full information, everyone is just selling a their product. Does it work? Not really if it was so easy why are so many people struggling with weight?.
I decided to do it my way. If you tell me not to eat sugar you have to tell me why? I need the chemical facts. (C12H22O11) I need the chemistry and why and what it does to me. You tell me don't eat sugar, I want to eat all of it. And I will eat it, because you told me not to. But if you tell me...
"Sugar is metabolized in your body both as a carbohydrate and as a fat. Once in your digestive tract, sugar hydrolyzes into fructose and glucose. Glucose starts out as a carbohydrate, but is quickly stored as a fat. Fructose is metabolized through your liver, and mostly converted to a fat." Ooohh ok I get that no more sugar no more carbs. In November last year I stopped consuming sugar and carbs and lost 20 POUNDS IN 4 MONTHS"!!!!. All because I understood what it was doing to my body.
Then I hit a huge giant wall, the scale refused to move for months. I was working out, actually doing camp gladiator at 5 am, well I went 3 times. It was hard OMG!
I could have continued if we weren't required to do jumping jacks every 3 mins and crunches or men push-ups. I feel like throwing up every-time I do crunches!. Jumping jacks hurt my hiking knees. I decided maybe swimming would be better. I went up to forty laps. One day I went to the pool, was there alone for a while, then this two dudes came to the pool and just sat in the water at one end, didn't swim. I started getting paranoid, all kinds of thoughts went thru my head,I freaked out and left, right after I left they left too weird!. Haven't been back since I need a swimming buddy. ooohhh then I did Zumba and fell in love, the music and moves shout out to Nadia our amazing instructor I can do Zumba daily if the classes were available.
So what finally helped me loose 10 more pounds? I am down 30 pounds as we speak. Hope to get to my goal weight by November 2018 exactly 12 months since I started this journey, 10 pounds to go. Had to cut back on fruit, it has sugar which is sugar. Meaning it's the same as regular sugar it's not any better because its from fruit and is "natural" its metabolized the same way. I decided to try intermittent fasting simply because I don't have the time or luxury to be at the gym daily. Besides I did it for 7 years while I was in college and it works. As a student going to school full-time and working part time I could not afford 3 square meals on a daily basis. Dinner was a luxury, breakfast consistent of tea, lunch was shared with my other broke college buddies, we split a sandwich or whatever the cafeteria served and what's dinner? That was it! I maintained a weight of 125 pounds effortlessly for years. I just needed to remind myself I don't all the extra calories. I am not a farmer, I am not doing hard labor why do I need to eat every 2 hours? Or why do I need a heavy meal for lunch or dinner. Such a simple truth. Its just that simple. It doesn't need to be so complicated. I found my solution. Its working, effortlessly, it's anti-aging, great for my mind and body and I am sticking with it. Hope you find your simple solution or truth.